Deliver Compassion

Tis the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Year of the Horse.  Eleven more days to go in celebrations.

Well, work has started and another new week.  I’d love to bounce out of bed, all excited and raring to go. Some days though, it is a more subdued variation.   I don’t think that is uncommon.

That said, while it’s a period of celebration in the Lunar New Year, I’ve also received sad news from friends around me.  My first reaction is anger, indignation and a need to lash out.  But each morning I wake up, I get to make a different choice.  In each moment even, I get to make a different choice.

Deliver Compassion

In considering my response, I landed on compassion. When the kneejerk response is anger, the healing response is compassion.  When the natural tendency is to play the victim, the call to action is to play the higher game.

It is not easy. Just in the next breath, it’s easy to find reasons on why compassion should be withheld.

So what is it worth?

It’s worth the Good Fight, to break the cycle of anger and fear.

It’s worth the depths of love that can be created.

It means forgiveness is in order.

It means believing in yourself that you have the strength to play the bigger game.

It also means making mistakes, but treating yourself gently when you do.

And because it’s Monday, and because it’s a new morning, new day, new week, new moment.  Will your choice be compassion?